Renaissance Kingdoms

Hello... I am checking to see if others are having problems finding food around Cumberland, if not the whole of England. Stat foods are becoming very hard to come by in the open market here in Penrith.

Also, has anyone else been having troubles getting into the taverns? I can get in once every 3 days or so and only if i do a cold boot of my machine. I have checked the forums and none of the 'fixes' seem to be working for me. Been playing with firewall settings and the like, but still am having no luck. Any help would be appreciated... (And cheap wheat could be had... lol) Kilgore 22:51, 15 April 2008 (UTC)

Did you recently update your flash? If so, you might want to roll back to a previous version. I heard that the new one's been preventing people from getting into the taverns.

Food's hard to come by, but that's pretty normal with the recent colony openings. I'm scouting around southern England now on a trip and have been out of Stafford since late February. Bread is hard to come by and stat food is scarce, too. Leanasidhe 05:56, 16 April 2008 (UTC)
