Renaissance Kingdoms

Stefan, O.N.E. V - Semper Eadem Commander

Stefan, Prince of Ordo Negrum Equites, is O.N.E. Magister and Ambassador, Leader of O.N.E. V - Semper Eadem.


Wife: Aida, his "Bed of Roses Princess".

Son: Peter99, dead.

Daughter: Fiorellino, dead.

Brother: Anghelos, Duke and King of Wallachia, O.N.E. Master and Commander.

Brother: Wardenunited, O.N.E. Grand Magister, Commander of O.N.E. I - Semper Et Ubique.

Brother: Lewowar, expeled from O.N.E..


Stefan is know for his cunn and inteligence, he likes the intrigue and to intrigue others.

Fine warrior and a good artist, he likes to paint and sing too.

Stefan hate to bath himself cause he thinks that if he do it he will die an horible death.
