Renaissance Kingdoms
Amice Hodgson-Degas
—  Exeter resident  —
Ledge Avatar
Amice Hodgson-Degas
Hodgson Crowned
Coat of arms
Personal motto: I learn to succour the distressed.
Full title Lady Amice "Ledge" Hodgson (Baronet of Penrith)
Place of Residence (unknown), Exeter, County of Cornwall
Affiliations (unknown)
In-game name Ledge
Account created 2 March 2008
Forum name Ledge

The Lady Amice "Ledge" Hodgson-Degas was born in Newton Bushel, Devonshire, England, on March 2, 1436. She was baptized on 27 April 1456 by Dasharna of Liverpool, became engaged on 9 June 1456 to Thedukeofholmby and married him on 12 July of the same year.

Ledge Gown

Wedding Gown


- Father : Gabriel Degas

- Mother : Eustacia

- Cousins : Adec & Leonidas

- Second Husband : Thedukeofholmby - Winthrop Hodgson

- First Husband : Jasonlestreet - Jason le Street

- Son : Pádraig Hodgson

- Daughter : Lowena Sonnie Hodgson


Born in Newton Bushel, Devonshire, she worked as a seamstress for a family friend.

One day at the local market she met a boy from the ajoining town of Newton Abbot. They secretly wed but sadly Amice was ousted for covourting with married persons. Amice fled the town and her first husband aboard a ship to Liverpool and found herself in Preston.

After some time of hard labor she has finally been granted her own land to farm. She has made a name for herself in the town and hopes for the day she can do more. Her first husband later arrived in town to be reunited but shortly after he fled north and his body was found in Girvan, Kingdom of Scotland.

It was in Preston that she believed fate exsisted as she was reunited with her family through a chance conversation with a stranger. She was part of the Degas family.

Some months after becoming a widow she fell in with Thedukeofholmby, whom she is now married to and has had two children from.

In the new year of 1457 Amice had decided due to all the recent tragerdy that it was time to move on. Not lightly taken as Preston had been her home and she loved it. Her family needed her thou and she decided to move to Penrith in Cumberland.

Penrith was short lived thou. Due to tragerdies in the Degas family, Amice found herself uprooting again and tkaing herself back to her birthplace near Exeter. After many months of coming to terms with how life had turned sour Amice decided it was tiem to return to the town she always loved above all. On the 28th October 1457 she moved back to Preston and took up home in her former bakehouse at 9 Main Street.

Places Visited

Second Wedding

On the 12th July 1456, Lady Amice Degas married Winthrop Hodgson at St. Wilfrid's in Preston. Media:Wedding_Album.pdf

Mayor of Preston

In late June Amice decided she had built enough of a footing in Preston to run for mayor. She had already been town mentor for three months as well as acted on the Preston Council. Her vision was to transform Preston into a cultural centre and make it attractive to visitors. She headed this plan under the slogan "Gateway to the North".

Her first election win was somthing of a joke in the county as her opposistion was the corpse of former resident Daximus who got 15% of the vote. Her second term was agaisnt her good friend Ericcedricson. She ran the town from 30th June to 29th August 1456.


Since moving to Preston Amice had always involved herself in the town and county affairs. Once she moved into Ribble Stead she set up a study and surrounded herself with books on running state systems. On moving to Penrith, she was accepted as a student at the Cumberland university. On moving to Exeter she continued her studies at Cornwall university and of late has transfered to Lancaster.

With this she hopes to be able to serve the kingdom in a greater capacity.

  • Master's in Latin: 10%
  • Master's in ancient Greek: 0%
  • Master's in modern languages: 20%
  • Basics of History : 100%
  • Study of government institutions : 100%
  • Principles of Law : 100%
  • Communication techniques : 12%
  • Tax collection mechanisms : 9%
  • Trading : 5%

Curriculum Vitae
