Renaissance Kingdoms

County Councils manage, control and administrate County resources. This includes, but is not limited to the passage of County Law and matters of Justice, mining, inter/intra county trade, and County specific Diplomacy. Counties have no authority to initiate treaties that affect or obligate all of England or other counties. The Council is elected every 60 days.

Election Process[]

Midway through a given Council's Term, players have the option to create a list for the Council. They pay 200 pounds up front and appoint up to twelve people for the list. A total of 1,000 pounds must be donated to the List on top of the 200 pound fee to make the list eligible for the vote. Ten days from the end of the term, voting begins for each list. Seats on the twelve person Council are apportioned approximately proportionally to each list's votes received (although even one vote guarantees at least one seat, that is, the proportions are skewed toward the minority party), with the higher positions in each party receiving the seats.

Then, for two days, every member now on the Council (any incumbents keep their former positions for these two days) votes for the Count/Countess (or Duke/Duchess). Seven votes are required to establish a Count.

Council Positions[]

  • Count (also known as Duke): Appoints the other Council members, is considered the most prestigious position. Holding this position usually confers a Peerage from the College of Heraldry in England.
  • Trade Minister: Manages the inventory and funds of the Council, makes purchases for it from the County Fair, manages Grants.
  • Spokesperson: Manages communication between the Council and the populace.
  • Public Prosecutor: Handles criminal court cases for the County.
  • Judge: Delivers verdicts on the court cases, abiding by specific administrative rules.
  • Constable: Recruits County Militia and other internal defenses.
  • Sergeant: Manages County Militia and other internal defenses.
  • Captain: Leads the County's military forces. Is the only non-noble able to form an Army.
  • Sheriff: Manages Mines, animals
  • Mines Superintendent: Aids the Sheriff in the more menial tasks of the Mines.
  • Unseated: There will be two members of each Council that are unseated, that is to say, they do not hold any of the above positions, they still take part in Council discussions and are full voting members of the Council.